Rich Ashe is the founder and president of Veteran Franchise Advisors and has 30 years of corporate, entrepreneurial and franchise business experience.
Rich served in the Marine Corps from 1976 to 1983. After serving in the Marines, he compiled over three decades of experience in business, received his degree in marketing and business management and worked his way up the corporate ladder vice president of global marketing for an international software company.
During his career, Ashe has helped companies such as Chase Bank, Xerox, and Compaq Computer expand or start new businesses. He also participated in four startups, two IPO’s and launched two entrepreneurial businesses on his own – a computer training firm, CompuTutor, and a network consulting firm, LANDeZign.
Rich is a Certified Franchise Consultant, a member of the Franchise BrokersAssociation and served on the International Franchise Association VetFran committee from 2011 –2013.